About Us
Since inception in 1997, various strategies have been trialled to increase the exposure of Choice, our aims and constitutional objectives. Most notable was our long standing relationship with Cairns based media outlet Southern Cross Ten. Over time we found the promotion of high quality TV commercials using the animated Choice character that encourage healthy choice making, positive thinking and responsible behaviour and our unwavering ability to deliver quality driven, practical and relevant activities helped immensley to achieve positive outcomes in human behaviour change.
A key priority upon inception was for the Choice concept and sub-culture to relate well to the word choice, therefore, since inception we have made it procedure to avail the people we work with, the greatest possible opportunity to overcome some of their barriers and hurdles. Networking and collaborating with existing service providers, organisations, agencies, departments and the like, is an integral part of our service delivery model.
The company’s registered office is suite 14, 12-20 Toogood Road, Woree Queensland 4868.
From our transition in 2015 to mobility and paperless field based apps we deliver activities where they are best for the individuals and the community and the environment.